The International Federation of Arab Bankers Honors 7 Egyptian Banks


The International Federation of Arab Bankers Honors 7 Egyptian Banks

Books – Dr. Mohamed Adel

The International Federation of Arab Bankers honored seven Egyptian banks of excellence and bank success at the time of writing. a ceremony organized on the occasion of the awarding of the Arab Banks Excellence and Achievement Awards in 2018. It was held for the fourth year in a row in Beirut. The President of the International Union of Arab Bankers, Joseph Tarbey, said that the Union is the seat of Arab bankers, who have become today the reference and spokesman of Arab bankers, more than 550 active members and over 300 members representing various banking professions in the Arab world. And the country of alienation.

He emphasizes that the Union is experiencing continuous and rapid growth thanks to scientific and professional expertise and training, as well as to our monthly magazine The Banking Executive which is experiencing a strong expansion of banking and academic circles thanks to its objectivity and transparency. . And the development of their career, in addition to the Court of studies and research that deals with and badyzes the course of Arab and regional economies, so that today it ranks among its leading magazines economic and banking markets. This is one of the important documents distributed at meetings of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United States Treasury Department and embbadies of Arab and foreign countries.

Wissam Fattouh, Secretary General of the International Federation of Arab Bankers, added that banking institutions should be honored for their contribution and support to their societies and to elevate the Arab banking and financial industry to a professional level advanced.

He explained that seven Egyptian banks were able to win prizes and that the National Bank of Egypt was named "Best Arab Bank for the Year 2018 of 1965977." ” style=”border:0px solid;”/>

Contribution the development of social well-being and social responsibility, Head of the Retail Banking group. Bank Misr won the Egyptian Union Syndicated Loan and Project Finance Award in 2018. The award was presented to Akef Maghraby, Vice President of the Board of Directors, the best Egyptian bank in microfinance and financial inclusion. The award was received by Amr Nasir, general manager of the retail banking sector, and the Arab Investment Bank won the Bank's recognition award in terms of restructuring and development. The award was presented to Mohamed Hany Seif El Nasr, President and CEO, and to the Housing and Development Bank (HDB) the best Arab Housing Bank for 2018. The award was presented to Hbadan Ghanem, Vice President and general manager. The award was presented to Faraj Abdul Hamid, Vice President and General Manager of the Bank, Neven Cashmere, who won the Bank Excellence Award in Customer Service and was received by Haitham Al-Kursali, General Manager, Corporate Finance and Investment Services

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