The Israeli air force enters Lebanese airspace The Lebanese army discovers explosive belts with explosives


Beirut – a

Published on:
Sunday, July 22, 2018 – 22:17
| Last update:
Sunday, July 22, 2018 – 22:17

Israeli reconnaissance aircraft and military planes violated Lebanese airspace over Chouf, Kheroub, Jbeil, Zahrani and a number of southern regions of Lebanon. general.

IDF force also collaborated with bulldozers In the area of ​​Mays al-Jabal city, large-scale searches were conducted as part of the intensive protection of Israeli soldiers.

The Lebanese army leadership announced that an Israeli military patrol had fired two lighted bombs on the Wazzani River. (19659005) On the other hand, the Lebanese army command also announced the discovery of a patrol of the Directorate of Intelligence in the army, on 5 explosive belts Remnants of groups terrorists in the Hamid Valley, east of Arsal City, noting that the military engineering forces have taken the necessary measures and measures towards them

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