The Japanese yen deepens its losses to a 6-month low against the US dollar


Forex Forex News Forex Pros – Japanese Yen Worsens 6-Month Loss Against the US Dollar The Japanese Yen Is Down at the Lowest Level of the Last Six Months versus the US Dollar: 19659002 Yen Falls on the European Market Thursday against a basket of global currencies, to worsen losses for the fourth consecutive day against the US dollar, recording a six-month low, as the US currency continues to rise against most major and secondary currencies, as well as the weakness of Investment demand, And the Japanese government 's tendency to weaken the currency, especially with the Chinese yuan falling to a year' s lows.

The dollar appreciated against the yen by more than 0.3% at 08:15 GMT, trading at 112.35, the opening price at 111.99 and the highest at 112.42 since January 10, 2018 and the lowest at 111.91.

The yen closed yesterday down 0.9% from the USD, its third consecutive daily loss and the biggest daily loss since March 28, as the US dollar rose and the yuan fell.

The dollar index hit a one-week high on Thursday at 94.55, reflecting the continued rise in the US currency against a basket of major and minor currencies, particularly after the rising interest rates.

These figures rose after higher than expected US producer prices in June, and these prices are the main consumer price publication later in the day. Other.

The Chinese yuan fell on Wednesday to its lowest level since August 2017 against the US dollar, due to growing trade differences between China and the United States, a sign of the weakening of the Chinese currency during this period. period, A currency war soon.

In this context, it seems that the Japanese government is also tending to weaken the local currency, which is confirmed now with the continued large-scale decline of the yen against most world currencies, especially against the US dollar. Loma News disclaims any responsibility for the content of the news or images, but the original publisher also bears the copyright and intellectual property rights of news.This news has been automatically transmitted and if you own the news and pictures want to delete them, please refer to the original source. First, write to us to delete the story

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