The latest technology news today after unsuccessful attempts .. "Facebook" is developing a new satellite internet service


After unsuccessful attempts .. "Facebook" develops a new satellite for the Internet

16:02 pm Saturday, July 21, 2018

Books – Asim Ansari:

Facebook intends to launch a new satellite, which would provide Internet service in areas that do not have access to the Internet, or inadequate access.

The American "wired" site, it received a document on the new project "Facebook" which shows the correspondence between the representatives of the site and the federal authorities between 2016 and 2018, in which the representatives asked for the launching of the test satellite "Athens".

Earlier this year, reports of Facebook's intention to storm the world of satellites were reported after unsuccessful attempts.

The "Facebook" for the US information website the existence of the project, "Athens", but did not disclose the details, is expected to launch the satellite in early 2019. [19659005] was to launch a Facebook satellite in 2016, to provide Internet in 14 African countries but the project failed after the rocket explosion, "Space X" in the disaster damage of 10 billion dollars, and because from this failure, "Facebook" lost about $ 200 million.

The social networking site again tried to revive the idea of ​​providing Internet to millions of people via the Aquila project, via walking planes, but the project also failed and Facebook announced the closure of the project. "Facebook" is developing a new satellite internet service – you can see the original source of the following link link: Masrawy Technology and gives up the responsibility website for the full content of all news, but the responsibility lies with the company. original publisher of the news. 19659012] [ad_2]
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