The Lebanese President informed about the terms of the economic plan and the assessment "McKenzie" to put Lebanon not negative or positive – Alankabout spider – Lebanon News – Australia News


Lebanese President Michel Aoun outlined the "national economic plan" Who has reached his advanced stages, Khoury and members of the McKinsey & Company Global Advisory Group. Khoury said after the meeting that the design of the study "we recall the creation of an attractive business environment for foreign investment and the activation of competitive sectors able to promote indicators of economic performance and create jobs. "

All together and work within a team to achieve the ambitious goals of the plan, which will be reflected on the different economic, social and living issues, which are a constant concern of Lebanese society. "

Aoun considers that the plan" contributes to the development of an integrated and co-ordinated vision among In the country, "praising" the efforts of the parties that contributed to the development of the public and private sector study , economists and academics. "He underlined" the capacity of Lebanon, represented by its economic sectors and young energies, to create an attractive business environment for foreign direct investment, and to activate competitive sectors of the economy. capable of promoting economic performance indicators ". The study described the economic situation and challenges according to the reality and set the priorities in their context, and put in place mechanisms to implement the plan and monitor the indicators of economic performance and monitoring.

Khoury announced that the study would be presented to President-elect Saad Hariri "McKinsey & Company wanted to work intensively and closely with representatives of the public and private sectors, the Lebanese academic community and economic experts , to extrapolate their experiences in their areas of work and their vision of ways to achieve sustainable development and competitiveness of desired productivity and vital and promising economic sectors in Lebanon. At the next stage, the workshops and the exam sessions will continue to lead to the final version of the plan. "

Characteristics of the study

The study, distributed at the Presidential Palace," provides an badessment of macroeconomic indicators and trade balance, The challenges and potential of key productive sectors are the resources natural, agriculture, industry, tourism, knowledge economy, financial services, education, health, real estate, construction, trade, logistics, transport, communications and expatriation. As well as the effectiveness of urban planning. "

The study developed an institutional methodology and detailed governance mechanisms." Khoury explained that the study looks in depth at the most productive sectors affecting job creation, including job creation. Agriculture, in terms of increasing the productivity of small farmers through the adoption of technology Modern agricultural methods, change of seed varieties and profit of the commercial farmers' export potential improving quality standards and adopting higher value crops, and focusing industry efforts on four priority areas: food processing and products based on such as perfumes, cosmetics, etc., the pharmaceutical sector, modern building systems, and the creation of four industrial parks with a competitive potential at the regional level for infrastructure and support. "

In the tourism sector, the study examined" the shift to strategic thinking and focuses on increasing the number of visitors to 16 specific countries in Europe and in Europe. other Arab countries, and those with a large number of Lebanese publishers. And the promotion and development of tourism services in three key tourist centers in Lebanon to identify. Focus on leisure tourism. In the knowledge and innovation economy, the plan, according to Mr. Khoury, "takes advantage of technology to improve productivity in priority sectors to become an economy based on innovation and to make Lebanon a leading regional outsourcing destination. s transforming into a regional center of innovation, including media, content production, and attracting regional students from different disciplines. "[19659004] On McKinsey's badessment of the economic and financial situation in Lebanon, he said: "This was not negative.Or positive, there is a difficult situation that we are experiencing today. which has necessitated the use of this plan in the medium and long term.We are making a qualitative step by moving from the rental economy to a productive economy that ensures continuity and stability of growth and creates jobs and frees us from certain aspects of the "Economy."

This course will show how to prepare for this step by establishing certain industrial zones and activating transportation to benefit from this step. "

Source: Journal of Al Hayat

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