The Liberation Front presents its condolences to the late Amir Ali Qansu in Al-Duwair


Ramallah – Dunia al-Watan
A delegation of the Palestine Liberation Front (PLO) led by Abbas Abbas, a member of the Central Committee, Abu Ali Mohammed, Abu Jihad Ali and Abu Mohammed Issam, expressed his condolences to Lebanon and Palestine as well as to the late Arab president Amin al-Qansu. Social-Socialism in Husayniyah, Al-Duwair.

In the name of the Front and its leaders, he expressed his deepest condolences to the former leader of the Syrian Socialist Party for his comrades and family, stating that the great deceased had a great national and national stature . Brave defender of the rights of the nation through the national struggle that led him and worked to improve the role of the party at the national and national level, and marked a clear history in the appeal of national offers, stressing that his departure was a loss for all the Palestinian people. He had Adila, a defender of the rights of Palestinians and Palestine who inhabited his heart and conscience, remained loyal to his people until the moment of leaving. "We are in the Palestine Liberation Front and through a long history of fighting with the Syrian National Party, which has carried out blood through joint operations against the occupation, we badure you of the depth and the strength of these relations The great credit of these relations, of which we are proud and which we cherish for continuity and development for the good of our nation.

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