The Maronite Patriarch in Lebanon calls for the formation of a government of technocrats


Patriarch Maronite Boutros-Raya, Patriarch of the Maronites of Lebanon, said that the multiple crises in Lebanon demand that all political forces be dedicated, impartial and accountable and form a government comprising technocrats who carry out structural reforms. in all sectors of the country. As defined by the Cedar Conference to support the Lebanese economy and infrastructure as a condition for donations, loans and financial grants estimated at $ 11.5 billion.

Patriarch Al-Rai said in a speech at a Mbad celebrating that the Lebanese economy is in decline The social, social, economic, social, real estate, educational and medical crisis, especially in the sectors water, electricity and roads, demands that "those who have political power stay out of their own interests and take advantage of their benefits and benefits".

He continued: "The present situation requires everyone's dedication to the public good and works towards the establishment of the productive state and the state of justice, law and order. Institutions and dedicates its energies and its parties and its religious and sectarian affinities. "Patriarch Al-Rai expresses his categorical rejection of the Knesset's decision on the adoption of the law on the nationality of the country. State, stressing that this decision is unacceptable because it excludes the Christian and Islamic religions and eliminates religion and its mission in a monotheistic environment.It says: "Unfortunately, the state of Israel, which occupied the land of Palestine, declares itself a nation-state and homeland for the Jewish people, while the West promotes it as a democratic state. "He calls on the United Nations and the Security Council to adopt a resolution sponsoring the" disgraceful and Exile "Democracy and globalization and the coexistence of nations and peoples ", and reaffirm the previous relevant international resolutions.

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