"The Missed Meeting" Between Jumblatt and Help … Government – Spider Alankabout – Lebanon News – Australia News


Last updated: 2 hours ago and 12 minutes ago

Source: Kuwait News Agency


Author: The Electronic Spider

Views: 145

Druze leader Walid Jumblatt visited the Baabda Palace at the invitation of President Michel Aoun by phone.

This visit, which comes after a break (the last visit last November after the end of the crisis of the resignation of President Saad Hariri), did not last more than twenty minutes, after which Jumblatt came out of a way which does not seem happy to announce:

The Druze are complete with regard to the appointment of the three Druze ministers, on the basis of the "popular and political vote in the elections which gave them this right".

* Not discouraged by his tirade, in which he described the alliance as a failure, and a partial regression in the limitation of failure in a section of the Covenant.

* Asking his followers to "soften" the tone on social networking sites, Jumblatt has not announced "stop" media campaigns on social networking sites where there is "a certain frenzy". This relaxation of communication is in line with the policy of "linking conflict".

If the "meeting of the palace" between Joumblatt and Aoun aims to calm and mitigate the political spasm to improve the climate of fatherhood, and if it wants to preserve the situation on the mountain and confirm the unity and stability of the government crisis, at this level, but if the meeting aims to break the crisis of the author, especially in terms of the resolution of the Druze knot, it has failed to break through or break, we do not know not yet if the government file was discussed during this short meeting without reaching an agreement, or did he make an offer as part of the discussion, and the issue of druze representation was not discussed; Neither the president opened the topic nor did Jumblatt initiate it.

The Baabda meeting managed to contain the political tension and limit its impact on the mountainous terrain, but it failed to narrow the government gap and bridge the gap between the Druze leader's position and the president of the Republic. This was probably not the purpose of the meeting, and it was not expected to solve the "Druze knot" that surpbades the Christian knot of precision and difficulty …

President Michel Aoun insists on the entry of Minister Talal Erslan into the government, not only on the promise he made to him and his reward for his firm and determined position on his side before and after the presidential elections, but also on the election results. The list of Erslan III, who gave at the Druze level throughout Lebanon 6 Druze deputies in Jumblatt (out of 8) and remained two Druze deputies outside Abbala Jumblatt (Arslan and Anwar Hebron) ). The significance of these results is that Jumblatt can not monopolize the representation of the mountain (Chouf Aley) nor the representation of the Druze community.

In Lebanon, a group did not take part in a group and received a "meta-veto" and where all sects have twins and centers of power and political pluralism … Jumblatt joins to his governmental position and the electoral calculations that the popular vote gave him an overwhelming majority. The uniqueness of the representation of the Druze community.

In addition to his six MPs, Anwar al-Khalil pbaded the socialist vote in Hasbayya as a "parliamentary depot" in Berri, and MP Talal Arslan succeeded in Aley under the second Druze siege that Jumblatt left vacant for his list.

Electoral calculations are important, but political calculations are the most important for Jumblatt, which drives him to stick to his position and continue his fight in the new government …

these calculations, the following:

* Be badured of the Shia stance that goes from Berri's support to Hezbollah.

* Harbadment of the position of President Saad Hariri, who adopted Jumblatt's request and his point of view.

* Taking advantage of indirectly supporting positions from outside the community such as the position of the Lebanese Forces, who are engaged in a battle similar to that of Jumblatt.

Within the community, especially the position of the former Wa Wa'in Wahhab minister, ranked second by the Druze, Arslan's negotiating document weakened the government's third Druze position


The need to continue this battle, even if a political escalation is necessary against the Covenant, to strengthen the Druze nerve in this transitional stage, which witnesses the transition of leadership to Timor Jumblatt, who n? is not yet ready for such political battles.

Source: Kuwait News Journal

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