The mullet clears the door of "necessities"!


The subject of legislation for the cultivation of cannabis has become the official and popular interest center of this period, following the indications that the green light has been given to go ahead with this project . What are the effects of cannabis legislation on other crops?

Attorney Antoine Habashi submits a repealed bill to amend certain provisions and articles of Law 673/98 on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances with a view to converting this agriculture into an alternative crop.

Al-Gomhouria: "Before the advance of this bill, we worked for two months with specialists of the pharmaceutical industry to address the issue of cannabis, but also to find an alternative agriculture effective in treatment and medicine, And being Kh

Habashi confirmed that "after the registration of the bill we submitted, we will present it to all the parliamentary blocs, which we will meet successively to put the dossier on the right track "

He explained in response to a question To move to alternative agriculture, it's very specific: companies address the Ministry of Health and the Council Ministers grant them a license.After the company has acquired a license that becomes responsible to the farmer, it gives him a license for agriculture after checking his land to see if it is valid for this type of agriculture.It determines the area and quantity you want.The licensed company gives the seeds to get the seedlings you want.

The permit to be obtained by the farmer allows the cultivation of 15 acres to 15 dunums of this plant. Habashi explained that planted herbs are outlawed and are not necessary for medical purposes.However, if a law is pbaded on alternative agriculture legislation for medical purposes, the approved company (which can be several companies) will provide seeds for this crop. Medically, she will be the first beneficiary. He pointed out that chickens that are currently grown contain a double amount of medically necessary medicine, so it is not suitable for medical purposes and until now, there are two plants that meet the purpose: CBD and THC

At the mercy of merchants, they will have the opportunity to continue their work and talk about it.

On the fear that most farmers become hemp farmers, he says, "We insist on the need for the state to stay on its land." Apple growers and securing markets for the country. 39, elimination of their products do not turn into alternative crops, note

In response to a question, Habashi said that it was too early to talk about the size of the land that are suitable for these crops or the amount of production expected.

For his part, the boss of the Farmers' Association Antoine Al-Hweik stressed that the legislation on cultivation of cannabis is not a technical as much as political and related to the capacity of the Lebanese State to extend its sovereignty over all its territories without exception.Culture Purchase.It told the "Republic": If the State has given a license to the 39, one of the farmers to grow 50 acre If he has planted 100 acres, will the state be able to destroy the remaining 50 acres?

Therefore, in our view, cannabis legislation requires first and foremost that the state be able to enforce the law and extend its authority over its entire territory and not to restrict licensing. areas applicable to the law.

The most important example is that of agricultural cultivation in the interest of agricultural scientific research in Tel Amara in 2011, which conducted a limited experiment in cooperation with UNDP to study the relevance of the adaptation of industrial cannabis to the Lebanese nature.

and Ai hemp is the same plant from which cannabis is extracted, but with less content than the drug tetrahydrobenphenol, so that its percentage in synthetic cannabis does not exceed 1%. During the testing period, however, the project team was subjected to intimidation by cannabis growers, who opposed the industrial cannabis harvest and seized the crop by the force of arms, thinking that it was the type of goods. When they discovered that they did not contain the amount of medication needed, they tried to return it but the team preferred to abandon it and study it. How will the state act today if this incident is repeated under cannabis legislation? "In our opinion, any organization or legislation does not make sense if the state does not have the capacity to enforce the law."

Al-Hawayek responded in response to a question whether his hibiscus, which will be planted for medical purposes, differs from the one currently cultivated. Comparing the cultivation of cannabis to tobacco growing, he explains: "When the state grants tobacco licenses, it buys tobacco at a higher price than in the world market, The farmer is forced to sell the tobacco. State to earn more, and the same applies to wheat As for the heather, if the state decides to buy it at a lower price than the market price, it will be sold to merchants on the black market.

Heather grows in many types of farmland. Above all, but there is no doubt that the majority of Lebanon's land, especially the plains, conducive to the cultivation of cannabis. The herbaceous crop is a wild plant that grows in many types of soil that require a small amount of water and do not require attention. And the price of the seeds is cheap and extracted by the farmer himself from the prophecy, so his cost is low and estimated at $ 80 per dunam. The production of irrigated green forage dung (Khdair) is about two quintals and the price of kantar is $ 150 to $ 500 depending on supply and demand, ease of contraband and manufacturing and damage caused by security forces. He added: The beetle (1200 grams) of processed hash is sold for $ 200 and sometimes up to $ 500. As well as sales seasons of green acres (Khdair) between 500 and one thousand dollars.


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