The official website of the Al-Jadeed chain, the economy, the Syrians deposited in the banks of Lebanon more than twice what they deposited in the banks of Syria


Syrian deposits in Lebanon increase the value of their deposits in banks operating in Syria (6 public banks and 14 private banks), at least, according to UN estimates, local experts, economic sources Lebanese and official Syrian statistics.
In detail, according to the Syrian newspaper "Al Watan", according to the 2017 statistical data released by the Central Bureau of Statistics in Syria, the total deposits of the six state-owned banks up to the end of 2016 had risen to 1380 billion Syrian pounds. According to the annual financial statements of private banks, Syria has about 795 billion Syrian pounds, a total of about 2175 billion pounds, with a possible increase of 2.2 trillion pounds due to the increase in deposits in public banks in 2017, the official exchange rate for 2017 (436 l (About 1 US dollar) against deposits of about 5 billion US dollars (estimate).
On the other hand, according to a previous UN report, Syrian funds totaling about $ 22 billion by the end of 2015, with the expectations of local experts (in earlier statements released by "home") to increase the number to 23 or 24 billion dollars The money out of Syria started mainly in 2012 and 2013 until the end of 2014, while the movement began to decline until 39 it is considerably weakened later. Syrian funds in Lebanon were estimated at $ 16 billion at the end of 2010, of which 12% Dollar), according to the funds of the organization "ESCWA" reached by the Syrians in Lebanon At the end of 2015, about $ 11 billion, but according to economic sources in Lebanon, they reach between 15 and 18 billion.
At that time, the reserves of the Bank of Lebanon increased by $ 8 billion, from $ 29 billion to $ 37 billion, during a period of declining tourism imports and decreasing remittances from the Gulf and the Caribbean. 39; Europe. Is close to $ 10 billion, with a high probability that the amount is higher, and this has been quoted by local media from banking sources as the figure up to $ 20 billion, but the newspaper does not show up. could not document this figure according to available data 10 billion dollars, or about 6% of the total debt P in Lebanese banks (173.5 billion dollars by the end of October 2017 according to Lebanon Data Bank).
The Syrian government has the right to work to attract Syrian funds abroad, and Syrians, through banking competition, in the region, following an intelligent economic, financial and monetary policy, encouraging the mobilization of capital and guaranteeing the owner's trust. The capital, after the great victories won by the army on the ground, to try to take advantage of the conditions offered by the economic reality of the region, but not easy, the credit policy in Syria suffers many weaknesses, even if Loans are lower than deposits Banks do not do Before deposits for lack of operation, make profits, because of the consequences of war and lack of clarity of recently approved bank facilities and encourage loans, and limited to low-income loans, which account for 27% of total public bank borrowings.
Therefore, according to the newspaper, the government takes care to think economically, to bring about a radical change, not only in the structure of public banks, but also in the mindset that manages the sector and to ensure a competitive economic environment in the region.
First, the trend to attract capital requires swift action, which requires the liberalization of capital movements and ensures exchange rate stability, in exchange for sacrificing the independence of the central bank in setting interest rates. 39; interest. In order to attract capital to neighboring countries, and this is almost achieved by interest rates and not independence in the literal sense of the word, where interest rates are more higher than neighboring countries, ranging from 9 to 14 per cent. And effective, for investors who want to work in the country with the beginning of the recovery of the economy, the forecast of growth rates driven by the increase in investments after the war. «
"The government also wants to benefit from the experiences of the free zones banking by establishing such a zone to secure the mobilization of capital in the free zones at the lowest cost and with guarantees and exemptions to be determined by the free zones, which are a guarantee for depositors . "
She stressed that "the context is not to take advantage of the economic weaknesses of neighboring countries, especially Lebanon, but to take advantage of the lessons left by the region's economic crises to create competitiveness in certain economic sectors, hope that the crisis will pbad in Lebanon with the least possible losses.

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