The positive atmosphere of writing depends on the results of the Hariri-Abbas meeting


Sources close to the signing process told Al-Hayat newspaper that the positive atmosphere depends on the outcome of the next meeting between Hariri and the Minister of Free Patriotism, Gebran Bbadil, after meeting the other parties involved in these efforts. if (isMobile) {

Sources reported that Hariri yesterday met with Minister of Public Works Youssef Fenianos, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor, and discussed with him measures taken to address the obstacles to Government completion after meeting Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt and Lebanese forces Samir Geagea.

However, the sources correspond to Hariri's contacts Progress in removing the obstacles to the Hariri meeting with Bbadil was linked because there was an agreement between the interim president and Jumblatt and Ja 'Ja on solutions to the issue of representation, based on the demands that he has raised. For them on Hariri, Druze in representation and in Christian representation. As the sources agreed on the proposed solutions between the President-designate and they, she told "life" that "the consensus has facilitated the appointment of the President-designate, in order to facilitate the establishment of the government. in the existing balance in the light of the results of the parliamentary elections ". The sources said Al-Hayat, published information that Bbadil wanted 10 or 11 "free stream" ministers and the president of the republic is divided between 7 (or 6) and 4 for the president, and wants to take charge of this. that his team calls most of the main bags. The same sources have speculated that the "free circulation" direction of the "Free Stream" agreement on the distribution of ministerial quotas during the term of President Michel Aoun would also be divided in relation to the basis contained for the ministerial quota of 3 to 30 ministers. The sources said that there was a hint of any new agreement with the "current" after Bbadil Minister retracted his "very secretive" signature agreement. The sources cited a great reference saying that if one can escape the signing of a written agreement, how can this be done if there is a verbal agreement with it?

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