The story of the legal dispute over the shape of the four fingers of the dessert "Kit Kat"


The history of the judicial dispute over the shape of the four fingers of the dessert "Kit Kat"

Wednesday – November 12 1439 – July 25, 2018

Norwegian KFC Long Chocolate and chocolate Kate Kit (AFP)

London: Middle East Online

The European Court of Justice dismissed a petition filed by its Swiss company for possession of a four-fingered Kat Katt chocolate cake. Chocolate
This decision on a dispute between other brands, offering products in the form of four fingers like the Norwegian "Kafik Long", which existed for more than 80 years.
Perhaps the British and the Americans have not heard of it. , Norwegians have a national pride in candy and have described it as a ready-to-eat meal
KFC Long Chocolate has a different flavor than Kit Kat, and The Guardian's taste test last year showed that Cavic Long outweighed his famous rival Kate Cat.
The history of competition between producers and the 1930s, where Norwegian chocolate was manufactured in 1937, only two years after the emergence of Kit Kat – originally called Rowntree Chocolate.
For 65 years, these two products lived together in harmony, Nestle in the attack.
In 2002, Nestlé filed a trademark application to Orr and also asked for Kate Katt's four-fingered mark, said an EU legal adviser.
The world-renowned company engaged in a long struggle with rivals of similar brands offering four-fingered chocolate, Called to another until the European Court of Justice put an end to this chapter of the dispute on brands.

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