The world now – the Canadian wins cancer and loses half of his face


You are now watching the news – The world now – Canadian wins cancer and loses half of his face
In the News – News Horizon News
Saturday, 21 July 2018 5:11 pm

Horizon News – A Canadian citizen lost his nose, his cheeks and his eyes and almost died of a "harmless" bag, prompting him to consult his doctor for breathing problems. The Sun reports that Canadian citizen Sylvain Farand, 55, of Montreal, saw a doctor in 2008 suffer from a "bag in the left nostril that prevents him from breathing freely". I think it is harmless, and it turns out that the bag was a malignant tumor.

"When they told me that my life would end six months later, I was desperate at first, but I decided to fight." The patient Sylvain Farand

and one of the doctors injured Farand in sinus cancer and lymph nodes, and the more he beat the tumor the other back, which made that his face turns into a penis for different types of scars.

With all this suffering, Farand managed to defeat the malignant disease 10 years later, but it cost him half of the face. After 125 radiotherapy sessions and various medical procedures, the results of recent tests showed that her body was completely free of cancer cells.

Varand had many holes, because of the many surgeries, where doctors filled him with pieces of skin, and planted new teeth, so that he could eat. But the patient rarely leaves his house now, because the artificial part used by doctors to treat the holes of his face, glued by the glue, falls and usually embarrbades, so Farand waits for an artificial part that will stick to his face with a magnet .

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