This method lets you know who is stealing the Internet speeds of your home!


Most homeowners suffer from slow internet speeds, despite their participation in high-speed packages, and the lack of many communication devices.

This slowdown does not necessarily mean that your Internet provider is cheating on you with the speed with which it is shared, but it may indicate a flaw that allows you to steal your Internet and your home.

If you suspect this possibility and want to make sure, here are the two main apps you can use to identify devices that use the Internet and help you get rid of thieves.

A number of "speed thieves" use many suspicious applications that can break the encryption of any Wi-Fi network that you use, so here's a way to find out who is stealing your Internet speed and how to stop it .

– Download Wireless Network Watcher to your computer (Windows PC or Laptop), and Mac users can download Who Is On My WiFi.

– Programs will display a list of devices that use Wi-Fi on your device.

– The list you see may seem encrypted, especially if you are not a technology expert, so ignore the IP addresses and focus on the "Device Name" and "Network adapter company" columns.

– You will know from this list your devices and your family, but you can find other names you do not know. Double-click on an unknown name to find the information and consumption of your Internet connection.

– Then, click Block this user on your Wi-Fi network, if you find it stealing your speed and do not want it on your network.

– But then you must take another important step by changing your Wi-Fi pbadword, making it more complex, and blocking any personal information from you on behalf of your wireless Internet.

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