This vitamin stops the death of brain cells Health


Is there
Vitamin stops death of brain cells? Of course, it would be great if it turned out to be like
This vitamin, indeed, says a recent scientific study that there is already vitamin
Available and affordable is a key key to stopping the development of brain diseases such as the disease
Parkinson's or Parkinson's disease, according to the website "Care2."

The new German study whose results were published in the Journal of Medical Cell
Reports, the researchers found a form of vitamin B3 called nicotinamide
riboside keeps the brain cells, also called neurons,
While improving the function of their energy centers, called mitochondria

Improving the lives of Parkinson's patients

Parkinson's disease is a disorder of the nervous system that affects movement and progressively develops.
Parkinson's disease or Parkinson's disease usually starts with very simple tremors and tremors in the hands
One, but they are the most important known signs of the disease. Other symptoms
It causes stiffness or lazy movement and stuttering while trying to express
In the speech. Although there is no known cure for the disease, diet and pattern
Life can help slow down symptoms and improve the quality of life of those who suffer
Parkinson's disease
The author of the study, Dr. Michele Delide, head of research projects on the brain
University of Tübingen and Helmholtz Society in Germany: "Vitamin nicotinamide
Riboside stimulates metabolism and gives energy to affected neurons
The brain is protected by dementia and death. "

Other Benefits for B3

Vitamin B3 to Keep Skin, Hair, Liver, Eyes and Organs Healthy
Nervous It contributes to the production of hormones and metabolism of carbohydrates
Fats and proteins.

Vitamin B3 is present in many foods,
Including tuna, chicken, turkey, salmon, mutton and beef
Sardines, peanuts, shrimps and brown rice. This is a good source
Other: Eggplant, yellow tomatoes, avocado, dates, potatoes and mushrooms
Peas, green soy, rice bran and barley.

This study was primarily intended to reach the treatment of Parkinson's disease, however
Maintaining the health of brain cells in general is essential to human health, so
It makes sense to be careful to eat more vitamin-rich foods

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