To save your memory .. Beware of adding sugar to tea or coffee!


A new study could rethink how much sugar they add to their hot beverages: US researchers have discovered that adding sugar to tea or coffee could increase the risk of Alzheimer's 54 percent compared to other consumers. The researchers found that those who like fruit juice and soft drinks are also more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.

The results were obtained after the badysis of 2226 retirees' plans and their state of health for seven years. Prove that the brothers Those who consume as much sugar as possible in their drinks are at greatest risk of suffering from the disease, whether it is natural or added

. It is more likely that people put more than two tablespoons of sugar a day with a cup of tea. 54%. The Sun newspaper quotes Dr. Jan Gu, a senior researcher at Columbia University in New York: "These results show that sugary drinks and added sugar each other for drinks or foods can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. "This study suggests that increasing sugar increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease," said Dr. Doug Brown of the Alzheimer's Association.

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