Unemployment rises as economic growth slows


Sana al-Jack wrote in the newspaper Asharq al-Awsat:

The unemployed are a new sect that adds to the Lebanese sects, the number of those belonging to this sect is higher than that of some minority groups, If the rate of economic growth continues to decline in Lebanon

In the absence of effective employment institutions, both in the private and the public sectors, Lebanese youth are concerned about the clbadifieds. But the supply is much higher than the demand, and as soon as an organization announces its need for workers or employees, thousands of job seekers rush into it.

Asharq Al-Awsat is told: In the international institutions operating in Lebanon and bound by traditional procedures, because the mediation has its power and influence, the appointment of the second by the second official and others requests in a drawer, regardless of the applicant's efficiency. "The Lebanese is lazy, or he is not satisfied to work in areas that he deems inadequate in agriculture, construction and cleaning sectors, which opens the door to foreign workers , Dr. Tawfiq CASPAR believes that "this is what the demands of employers to justify the use of foreign labor cheap work." "The Lebanese are willing to work in all sectors, but the # "The Lebanese economy is not producing jobs," he told Asharq Al-Awsat, the most important reason being the cumulative economic slowdown since 2011. "

" The recent study on unemployment in Lebanon led by the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the International Labor Organization in 2007. The World Bank conducted an 11% survey in 2009. Young people accounted for 34% and 18% of women. no doubt the rate today is a lot pl us high, after a low growth rate of only 2%, while in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 it was about 9%. "

Just talk in the air.No studies or systematic work.We must ask those whose unemployment figures or illegal foreign labor to prove their number scientifically.It is certain that the state does not have figures on people who are working and who are unemployed. "

But questioning the figures does not mean that unemployment does not occur. is not a problem of low growth. While the search for a job for Lebanese youth is an impossible task, sometimes a matter of death or life, especially in the face of the increasing challenges of competition from foreign workers, especially Syrians.

Syrians worked in the construction and agriculture sectors. Today, they work in all fields: the institutions do not hesitate to use Syrian engineers, doctors, nurses and teachers in violation of the Lebanese Labor Law, which defines the prohibited professions. to foreigners. In addition to the small businesses created by the Syrians without following the necessary procedures nor pay the fees and taxes of the state.

Kasbar explains: "Among the poor Syrians, the poor Lebanese are in competition.What happens in Lebanon can lead to a social revolution if it happens in any other country.But because the people affected are workers and small business owners, any action taken is limited.

What about competent state bodies to prevent employment and illegal investment

Kaspar says: "He has accused the Lebanese workers of paying the price and no one protects him or expels the injustice that he suffers or pronounces on his behalf. The Lebanese authorities have implicitly collaborated with the owners of commercial and industrial establishments who use foreign labor, including Syrians at the expense of Lebanese labor, to reduce their losses and increase their profits in light of the current crisis. Therefore, the competent authorities adopt a policy of turning a blind eye to the use of these institutions for low wages and without guarantees. "

Kaspar was surprised that a minister or a citizen official complained to the media about illegal Syrian work." Homework We have not seen any state in which a civil servant complains, even though he has not been able to. he has the decision and the authority He warned that "unemployment and poverty, which are accompanied by more extremism and crime and resort to everything that contravenes the law," note that "some join armed organizations and terrorists purely for economic reasons"

Corruption, stability and security, investors will not venture into the current unstable situation and will therefore see their jobs available only when they are not available. by improving investment tools by reducing the level of corruption and waste while waiting for the necessary security and political stability. "

While the industrial sector is considered optimal to provide jobs, park Since the industry absorbs a large workforce compared to the service sector, the sector is in a poor state and does not account for more than 9% of GDP, after reaching 17% in the 1990s. 70 of the last century. "The public sector is the solution, its absorption capacity is low, but this weakness has not prevented the systematic political employment of people of power, which produces workers and employees who owe them For example, in the formal education sector, in Lebanon, there is one teacher for every five pupils, while the world average is one teacher for every 20 students. The public sector has absorbed 9 to 10 percent of the labor force and today absorbs 25 percent of the minimum.

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