UNICEF: 2311 deaths from cholera in Yemen


UNICEF confirmed that deaths from the cholera outbreak in Yemen exceeded 2,300 cases in more than a year.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) reported on Twitter the official report of its Yemeni office on Twitter: There were 2311 deaths from cholera epidemic in Yemen during last 13 months.

The organization noted that the total number of suspected cases of the same epidemic has reached more than one million and 118,000 cases, during the same period.

The WHO noted that health authorities and aid organizations are working tirelessly to prevent the return of the cholera epidemic, but the deterioration of the health system and the challenges of the The pursuit of conflict undermines these efforts.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people affected by the cholera outbreak in Yemen last year was more than 1 million and 80,000, and the deaths have exceeded 2,000.

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