Urgent measures after EU complaint on grapes and 80 distribution stations to reconcile their situation


  Economy: "Agricultural Quarantine": Urgent movements after the complaint of the European Union of grapes .. and 80 distribution stations to reconcile the situation
Economy: "Agricultural stone": urgent movements after the complaint of the European Union of grapes .. And 80 distribution stations reconcile their positions

Dear guests, I wish you once again welcome and I thank you for your visit on the economic site of l & # 39; Arab Economist: Agricultural Quarantine: Urgent action following the complaint of the European Union of grapes and 80 distribution stations to meet their needs. We would like to be in good follow of our site, "agricultural stone": emergency movements after the complaint of the Union Robbie Grape .. 80 distribution stations to reconcile the situation, dear visitor, the economic site is a comprehensive information website that includes the latest developments in the Arab and international arena, the economy: "Stoneplanting": urgent moves after the complaint of the European Union on grapes. We are looking for the most important news of all websites and news agencies Economy: Agricultural Quarantine: Urgent action after the complaint of the European Union on grapes and 80 distribution stations to meet their conditions. The complaint of the European Union grapes .. and 80 distribution stations to reconcile their positions, and even better

الخميس 5 يوليو 2018 6:45 pm Economy – The non-compliance threatens export growth prospects despite the opening of new markets

Ahmed Al-Attar, head of the Central Agricultural Quarantine Department, The Stone Department reacted quickly after receiving a complaint from the European Union, confirming the fact that existence of a problem in the grape harvest and the non-compliance by the Egyptian exporters of the specifications of their imports during the recent period. The plants are bound by the export conditions.
Attar said, in special remarks Al-Shorouq said that the failure of a number of exporters preventing the export of grapes is final, because the l & # 39; Export of defective cargoes leads to prevent the entry of all cargoes from the Arab Republic of Egypt to the export markets. And the provisions of its conditions and the review of procedures, and hired 80 export distribution stations, ended the deadline last Sunday.
Abdul Hamid Dumrdash, Chairman of the Export Council of Agricultural Crops, had predicted in previous statements to Sunrise The current 10%, after the success of the Republic of Egypt The Arab Republic of Egypt exports grapes to many other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Canada, Vietnam, and Uruguay.
Al-Attar said that the management of the Arab Republic of Egypt opened up new export markets in Europe and China. She pointed out that the shipment will be allowed to export and that the violation will not be allowed to export a cargo.
The Central Administration of Agricultural Quarantine has identified a number of procedures for the export of grapes, the most important of which is the obligation Exporter companies The factory is suspended until the end of the year. at the end of the investigation and withdrawal of quarantine committees The plant is obliged to operate for a source from an agricultural code and not to fill more than one source or More than one code at the same time on a production line
Dr. Safwat El Haddad, Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Agricultural Services and Follow-up Affairs said in his previous statements that the Egyptian exports of grapes reached 140,000 tons in 2017, Open new markets for the export of products.
Dalia Ybadin, a senior scientist at the Agricultural Research Center, said in a statement to Al-Shorouq that the area cultivated in Egypt is about 200,000 feddans, of which about 185,000. The total production of the Republic Arab Egypt raises to about 1.7 million tons.
The Arab Republic of Egypt is one of the most important Arab high quality grape producing countries with Syria, Palestine, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon and Yemen, Turkey and the United States of America, Spain, France and Italy. Grapes in Europe, and China in Asia, according to EBS

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