US court hires Johnson & Johnson to pay compensation to cancer patients


A Missouri jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $ 4.69 billion in damages to 22 women who developed ovarian cancer after using talc-based products, including baby powder.

The judgment against Johnson & Johnson is the most important since the allegations that the company's products are based on talc.

The company faces about nine thousand talc related lawsuits. The company denies that its talc products cause cancer or contain asbestos or asbestos.

The company claims that decades of studies have shown that its talc is safe and has managed to bring down certain provisions relating to the substance for technical legal reasons.

Johnson & Johnson described the verdict as "unfair" and would oppose it.

The verdict came more than five weeks after hearing the testimony of about 12 experts of the parties in the lawsuit.

Women and their families say that their use of talcum powder and other products in the enclosure for decades has caused cancer.

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