We demand the existence of state security and development – the Al-Manar Canal site – Lebanon


The Grand Mufti of Jaafari, Sheikh Ahmad Qablan, led a scientific delegation, visited the Baalbek Hermel region, during which he visited the city of Shamastar and the city of Taria

Sheikh Qabalan then visited the city of Baalbek, "All those who met them expressed their deep desire for the existence of the state and its effective presence, not only in terms of security, but also at all. levels. "

"The region suffers from obvious negligence In all the towns and villages, as well as high unemployment rates and high rates We call on the state to strengthen its presence and to cope with the difficulties of the peoples of the region. "

" Yes, there are calamities in the region and extraordinary problems, and we can not And officials and especially the deputies of the region should be vigilant and take action and make decisions as soon as possible, because things can not be tolerated and the sufferings of people should never be so blatantly tolerated. "

The Government of Less Favored Areas, not the Government of Interest and Distribution Outgrow resources. "

Source: National Agency for Information

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