We participate in all movements of the transport sector to achieve fair requirements


The General Union of Trade Unions of Mount Lebanon held a general badembly in Al-Tahdheeb Hall in Aley City in preparation for the general strike tomorrow, in the presence of the President of the Federation of General Unions Abdel Amir Najdah, President Kamal Shmeit Chagnat Chauffeurs and Unions. The badembly issued a statement from Shmeit: "The transport sector is going beyond the limits of definition and problems, which we have repeatedly explained and which have not worked." Fuel prices are rising, the discretionary deficit in law enforcement prevents false cars, private cars and foreign transport vehicles from moving from garage to garage and international line without delay and to participate in the liberalization of irregularities for cars Basically ".

Participants called for the equality of drivers with the guarantee rate and its return, generalizing the guarantee for all public drivers in Lebanon, controlling the cost of living, securing the electricity, the Water, education, medicine and housing.

: "In the face of this permanent disregard, we raise our voice by approving all the escalation decisions of this General Assembly, stressing, as we represent, our participation in our region of presence in all the movements required by the transport sector to meet the demands. General of the General Union of Workers Bishara Asmar, for a workshop that does not dwell on the role of public transport in sustainable urban development, starting with a central conference of public transport and a workshop on the role of public transport in sustainable urban development. The Ministry of Transport and its public administration with the railway, the public transport unions and the trade unions and the general trade union are organizing conferences and workshops in all governorates, districts and municipalities to develop practical recommendations representing the need and monitoring mechanism of joint committees, and the areas in which we will participate as a transport sector in order to achieve the implementation of the follow-up that will result, and the essential role of transport in sustainable regional and regional development. "

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