What are the diseases caused by working long hours?


A recent study suggests that long hours of work increase exposure to chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes. The study, which has examined more than 7,000 workers in Canada for more than 12 years, published in the scientific journal BMJ Diabetes Research and Care, found that women who worked more than 45 hours a week had 51% Who works from 35 to 40 hours a week. However, the results are different for men: men who work long have a lower risk of diabetes than men who work for a few hours. The study studied this problem in men with their behavior, which is based on walking, sitting and standing at work.

The Risk of Diabetes

Previous studies have shown that people who work long hours are more likely than others to develop diabetes, especially in the poorest social groups

. Leads to changes in the rate of hormone "cortisol", which affects insulin hormone levels in the body.

The results of the study encourage physicians to discuss the long-term impact of patients on health, particularly on the other hand, according to Gilbert Omet. In women who show signs of risk of diabetes. Doctors should therefore ask their patients about the number of hours of work and the importance of being attentive to their health.

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