What are you doing with cancer? | Health


Important research, a recent medical study found that red dates, known as jujube,
Helps kill cancer cells in the human body, which means that the fruit is able
To treat malignant diseases.

You can
Asian fruit controls cancer cells in the lungs and bads
And the prostate, pushing him to kill himself, according to research
Posted in Food & Funkness.

Royal Society for Research study shows red dates help
To kill cancer cells by targeting tumors, have been reached
Result after in vitro experiments.

The study shows if red dates help cure cancer
Or is it just for prevention? In other words, before cells grow
Cancer in the body.

It is used
Traditional Chinese medicine is the fruit of jujube usually to get rid of health problems
Such as insomnia, loss of appetite and diarrhea, not exceeding the price of jujube in Britain, for example
About two and a half dollars per bag.

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