What happens to the body after death?


Death may be the end point of human life in this world in the spiritual sense, but it may mean more in relation to the physical aspect as the body goes into a long journey towards decomposition.

It may be a little shocking, but the urgent question about what happens after death requires knowing all the steps that the body undergoes before it is completely broken down.

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  How does death spread?

1 – Heart Failure and Blood Circulation:

This is what the doctors rely on to confirm the death, and once the heart stops, the body's pulse will begin to die at varying speeds, with cessation of blood flow into the veins and arteries.

As the blood no longer flows, the body begins to take two different colors, because the blood settles in the lower part thanks to the gravity, giving it the appearance of bruising, while other parts of the body are pale like less concentrated hemoglobin.

3. Stage of the cold death:

A phase where the body loses heat and begins at 37 ° C. (19659002) 4 – stage of submission:

This stage occurs only a few hours after death, when the changes Chemical muscles cause the hardening of the body.

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5 – Our bodies are still in motion:

At this point, the blood gathers and freezes, but the body is still able to bend the joints and move for hours after death, because Muscle tissue shrinks to death, and depending on the number of contracted muscles, the body may seem to move.

6. Face Lift:

When the muscle stops

7. The Viscera Empty:

Although death renders the body rigid, it does not apply to certain organs that are fundamentally controlled by the brain, such as the sphincter muscle, which relaxes

8. The bad smells begin to flow:

The bodies are known for their bad smells, and this happens when dying cells release enzymes that tell the bacteria and fungi And in turn release harmful gases and odors into preparation for the decomposition process


<img clbad = "read-more__cover" src = "https://cdni.rt.com/media/pics/2018.06/thumbnail/5b35fab795a597ac2c8b4599.JPG" alt = " 9 – The advent of insects:

After bacteria and fungi release bacteria and gases, unpleasant insects, such as flies and meat flies, lay their eggs, which will later disappear

10- The body can make sounds:

The body of the dead can be released from a grater or an anus, thanks to the combination of locking and gases produced by the body

Digestive digestion:

Because of the richess e of our body bacteria, and once the immune system has stopped working, these bacteria digest the mother

12. Inflammation of the eyes and swelling of the tongue:

When the organs begin to decompose and the intestine produces gases, these gases cause swelling of the eyes and swelling of the tongue

13. Rotation: 19659002

14. Cutaneous Dilution:

When gas accumulates, the skin is separated from bones and muscles.

15. Only bone remains:

Bacteria, fungi and other organisms that eliminate the rest of the body, the protein eventually breaks down in the bone, leaving the hydroxyapatite, a bone mineral

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