What tech giants are doing with user data


Technology giants trace the balancing device or maintain the trend used to measure or maintain the trend in users' devices, badyze messages and give data to third-party companies, which is only Part of what the user accepts. , According to the BBC, which concluded that understanding the method used in policies and conditions of privacy requires access to university education.

Exploring the terminology below shows some startling facts about how to use customer data, such as tracking the location of a user, even if it's not allowed .Many applications require permission to track the precise geographical position of the user Users reject it, but even if the user refuses to grant the application permission, they can always see the location.

Facebook, for example, collects information about a geographic location other than the phone's global GPS, traces where the user is located via IP addresses, or by check-in or events where the User participates, Twitter Platform Information about the location of the current user, obtained via many signals, such as IP address or device settings, in order to configure and manage the account securely and reliably.

Companies transmit user data to other companies By accepting the terms and conditions, the user not only gives data to the specified application, but there are also many data sharing processes within the group. Other members of the Match group, which include other sites, OkCupid, Plenty of Fish and Match.com.

According to Tinder, for maintenance, customer service, marketing, targeted advertising and the removal of users who do not comply with its terms of use, in accordance with the LinkedIn Privacy Policy, which has been acquired by Microsoft in 2016, About the user when you use other services that you provide or affiliates.

The user is also bound by the terms of the third party, he should read the terms of the same giant technology company and read the terms of other companies that process his data. Amazon says that & ### He may share user information with third parties. The user should carefully review the privacy statements and other terms of use.

If the user uses Apple products, his personal data will be shared with companies providing services such as information processing and credit cards to badess their interest in their products and services. May, companies include these third parties on their terms.

In contrast, Wikipedia does not share personal information with a third party for marketing purposes, and its terms do not allow tracking of users by third-party sites that the user does not not visited.

Ailidh Callander, a lawyer at Privacy International, says that this has disturbing consequences, which means that companies such as data brokers can use your site, your interests, your contacts, and more to create a profile. It is really important that you take the time to consider what data is collected and why it is collected, as well as the people involved in the shared data and goals. "

The collection of information sometimes exceeds the name, age and geographical location: Tinder demonstrates that it collects data from the phone's accelerometer and collects data from directional devices that measure the angle of the user.It does not say exactly what these data are used for.

Facebook platform keeps searches deleted Although the platform offers the Ability to delete searches from the registry, giving the user the impression that his search history has been cleared, the problem is that it is not the case. Delete your search history at any moment, but the deletion of your search history is effective after 6 months.

The Facebook platform tracks what a user does, even if it's outside of the app, does not connect not or does not have a network account. According to its data policy, it works with advertisers, application developers and publishers. About user activities outside of Facebook, through Facebook business tools.

These partners provide information on users' activities outside of Facebook, including on the device used, the sites they visit, their purchases and the advertisements they view, while LinkedIn, in accordance with its privacy policy, scans the messages, and says that it does so to protect itself from malicious or spam sites and to offer automatic responses.

Apple's provisions state that minor children must review the agreement with a parent or guardian to ensure that the child, his / her parents or legal guardian understands the content. [Jsd = jsdk] = if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); js .id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=&xfbml=1";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] .appendChild (js); } (document)); [ad_2]
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