What will the office look like in the future ?!


Over the last decade, we have seen developments in office design that have made them more open, relaxed and comfortable, helping employees relax during work to be more productive and creative. But the visions of what we can call "the Office of the Future" have surged in response to rapid technological developments in the fields of automation, the Internet and the Internet. voice activation, areas that should play a greater role in future business practices.

By Anurag Agrawal, Executive Director, Canon Middle East

Here we present three ways to transform the Office of the Future into the highest level of communication, innovation, and collaboration possible .


A person can speak at a speed of 400 words per minute, but he prints on the keyboard at only 40 words per minute. Until recently, there was not enough attention to how the keyboard was slowing down our communication, but with the advent of sound activation techniques and progressive steps fast, we are likely to evolve in the near future. . We already see evidence of this with the launch of voice-activated systems companies like Amazon, which launched the Alexa for Business desktop system for personal and voice support.

The way we interacted with computers in the office has evolved so much that an American tech company made headlines last year by planting chips at its employees to allow them to work. open doors, connect to computers or buy food through the Internet …. While this has been widely regarded as a kind of advertising glamor, it is clear that connected devices are becoming more prevalent in office operations, such as monitoring office supplies and reporting technical errors autonomously.

As Internet devices become more common, they can be used more widely to increase the level of employee wellness, for example, all employees are alarmed by the office heat. Workplaces are increasingly relying on professional solutions to improve the staff working environment, using connected air conditioning and heating systems adapted to changing weather conditions and using smart offices to warn the staff in case of presence too long.


According to the World Economic Forum, innovation will be one of the most in-demand skills in the workplace by 2020, and companies should begin to integrate the # Innovation in many roles up to then purely technical.

Automation is without a doubt one of the main drivers of this change. Over the next few years, we can expect to see more automation and the use of improved robots in the workplace, often to remove routine routine functions that waste time and dissipate time. 39; inspiration. This will free up staff and make it more focused on unique "human" tasks, such as creativity, innovation and logical thinking, which will create a fast and growing demand for these skills.

In the past decade, companies have focused on working in and out of work, to free employees from the constraints of their office and to allow them to work whenever and wherever they want. But with the debate over the productivity of remote staff, this vision of the future of work is changing rapidly, making innovation a new priority.

Teleworking may mean the loss of a collaborative work environment meant to encourage creativity, because staff work independently and independently. A report from Info Trends in 2018 suggests that some companies , like IBM, has already reduced the telework programs of its employees to focus on innovation and push employees to an environment that supports it.


In 2017, Julian Cudornio, Executive Director of Facebook Workplace, said that employees are joining company staff, perhaps for the first time, without knowing how to use mailing lists Mail or intranet, but they know how to use messaging applications, image applications and video applications. "With the emergence of services such as Cisco Systems Spark, Facebook Workbills, Fluke, Slack and Microsoft Times over the past two years, communication, collaboration and coordination in business processes The quicker the moment is right now.

Interpersonal communication introduces a new phase, called the "Conversation Interface," where employees do most of their work inside. an application for conversations rather than switching from one application to another, which better supports the increasing proliferation of a culture of "constant availability" for immediate action, for which e-mail Is more appropriate.Collaboration becomes more effective when response times are seconds rather than days.

Collaborative robots designed to work with humans, known under the name of Cobots, were introduced in the industrial sector, used to revolutionize the production lines, and are now common in the distribution centers of Amazon and Okado. For example, although "Copotics" have not yet entered offices, we can expect them to play a role in the Office of the Future, when production costs are


In the midst of the hype surrounding communication, innovation and cooperation, business leaders find themselves caught up in inaccurate concepts and ambiguities Incorrect Companies should start setting their goals, getting expert advice on processes that will open up prospects and enable them to build a smart office for the future, generating a significant return on investment and improving the working lives of employees and decision-makers. (Back); js = d.createElement (& quot; script & # 39;); js.id = {jsid = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js#appId=&xfbml=1"; d.get ElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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