What you need to know about the Amazon Prime Day event


Amazon is about to launch its annual sales event, Prime Day, on July 16, until midnight on July 17, which means users will have 36 hours to take advantage of mbadive sales, Exclusive product stocks and related products Special versions and a whole range of online offers, with Prime Day dedicated only to Amazon Prime members, which means it's time to sign up if you do not Do not have one. "With over one million transactions worldwide, you'll find our best deals on your products and offers on everything from music to video to reading and Alexa-enabled devices, including Echo and more." Fire TV ". And the Tablet PCs, and Prime Day 2018 offers more than 50 percent outstanding offers from the old. "

The Amazon Prime subscription costs $ 119 per year, or $ 13 per month, and two adults and four teenagers and four children can be badociated with an Amazon Prime account. Non-Amazon Premium members can subscribe to a 30-day trial subscription Users have full access to all Prime Day offers and the ability to watch exclusive offers and movies without actually paying anything

Prime Day is the version Summer's Black Friday shopping day, which is held every year for three years, Amazon is trying to increase the number of its members, which provides unlimited access to video-on-demand services similar to Netflix Prime Video, unlimited retail services for the program, as well as access to Prime Music, Prime Reading and Prime Photos.

The ecommerce company revealed that bids would be available sooner than the actual date. Prime Day offers are not limited to the 36-hour event, although Amazon has not yet decided which agreements should include, Previously, electronics and technology were included , and books, laptops, televisions, smartphones, and even television series generally generated significant savings.

Anyone with an Amazon Prime account must install an Amazon Assistant application available for desktops and cell phones to ensure that no offers will be ignored. The wizard will therefore provide transaction notifications before starting. Amazon recommends that customers start early. The items that interest them to list before the First Day because it helps them to compare the best deals available.

Amazon announced in April 2018 Amazon.com has surpbaded its 100 million subscribers, up from 80 million before the First Day last year and 58 million in 2016. Amazon also reported that sales via the Amazon app have more than doubled on an annualized basis, with tens of millions of people using the app to purchase items at Prime Day.

Prime Day offers all categories of products, from luxury electronics to clothing, and buyers can get discounted prices on branded products.For example, last year Sony 65K 4K Ultra HD Smart LED priced at $ 1498, which means saving $ 500 compared to the normal retail price.

The e-commerce company has provided the Prime Day Guide, which includes tips on how to spot the best deals. Highlight offers also offer significant discounts on brands and standard items, while offers are limited and last only a short time.

In the days leading up to Prime Day, Amazon offers various discounts on popular digital movies through Prime Video, while Amazon offers are now sold with discounts of up to 30 percent on a range of daily necessities ranging from coffee beans to kids' food, and there are currently available offers at discounts of up to 20 percent on AmazonBasics products, which include cookware, bedding, accessories and the furniture

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