When to see a doctor when the stool color of the child changes?


When to see a doctor when the stool color of the child changes?

  When to consult a doctor when the color of a child's stool changes

The stool color of the child is affected by the foods that he treats, so the changes in color are not of concern except in some cases. For example, the green color may be due to the large amount of vegetables, especially paper, but in case of diarrhea, the change is often caused by a bacterial infection.

Stool color for non-food purposes requires consultation with the physician. The only cause of diarrhea is also allergy to certain foods, food poisoning, antibiotics or Crohn's disease

. Before the child reaches his first year, the color of his stool is affected by the mother's food when he is bad-feeding bad milk and the color may become green if the mother has eaten the mustard sauce. In other words, the nutritional content of bad milk is what makes the baby's stool change, and the color change before the first year is usually not a concern.

After weaning. With the introduction of solid foods for the child after weaning, color changes occur due to food and artificial coloring matter. But if there is diarrhea and other symptoms such as dry lips, an increase in urination or interruption, fatigue and lack of ability to do so. exercise, pay attention to drought and consult your doctor. The pale color of the stool for non-dietary reasons requires consultation with a doctor, the cause may be related to the liver or pancreas. The dark color of the faeces should be monitored for 12 hours, if it is not changed, the doctor should be seen.

In general, observe the signs and symptoms badociated with stool color change, in particular: fever, vomiting,

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