Why should not you ever kill a spider in your house?


I know it may be hard to convince you, but let me try: Do not kill the next spider you see in your house!


Because spiders are an important part of nature and our domestic ecosystem, in addition to being an autonomous entity like the rest of living things.

People like to think that their homes are isolated from the outside world, but many types of spiders can be found on the inside.

Some are caught by accident, while others are short – term visitors, so some species enjoy the wonderful interior, where they live happily and have more spiders.

These spiders are usually hidden, and almost everything they encounter is almost not aggressive or dangerous, they can also provide services such as eating insects, and some also eat d & # 39; other spiders.

My colleagues and I did a visual survey of 50 homes in North Carolina to list the arthropods that live under the roofs of our homes, with every home we visited being a house for spiders.

The most common species we encountered were spider web spiders and cave spiders, both types building networks where they wait for their prey to catch them.

Spiders sometimes leave their nets to catch other spiders in their area, imitating prey so they can hold their loved ones for dinner.

Although spiders are predatory animals in a year, they can eat anything they can hold, and they usually catch annoying insects and even disease-carrying insects (mosquitoes, for example).

Some types of spiders prefer to eat blood-soaked mosquitoes in African homes, so killing a spider is not limited to life, it can even have a dangerous predator outside your home .

The natural fear of spiders, they have many legs and most of them Sam, but the majority of species is weak to cause problems in humans, in case the teeth would manage to penetrate our skin d & # 39; origin.

Insectologists themselves may be victims of terror of spiders.

I know some of the spiders that have managed to overcome their fear by observing and working with these wonderful creatures, if they can do it, you can.

Spiders are not here to catch you or rob you, they actually prefer to avoid humans, and we are more dangerous to them than the other way around.

Spiders are very rare, and there are medically important species such as spiders and widow spiders, and their bites are rare and rarely cause serious problems.

If you really can not stand Instead of crushing it, this spider from your house, your apartment, your garage or any other place is trying to hold it, to find another place to go, and both parties will be satisfied with the result.

But if you can accept it, the existence of spiders in your house.

In fact, it is natural, and frankly, even if you do not see them, they are there.


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