Withdrawal of "carcinogenic drugs" from pharmacies | Varieties of the world Saraya News Agency


Saraya – The Ministry of Health and Reform of Algerian Hospitals on Thursday issued an order to withdraw 16 types of drugs containing valestran following an international warning that it was linked to cancer.

With the presence of impurities that can cause cancer in Valestran, which is the main compound of Valestran drugs such as "Win 80 milligrams and 160 milligrams", and "Co-Valstran win 80 milligrams and 12, 5 milligrams / 160 milligrams and 25 milligrams, "as well as Milligrams, 80 milligrams and 160 milligrams

Prohibited drugs have been directed to patients with MD High Blood Pressure to reduce complications, such as heart attacks and stroke, is also used to treat modern heart attacks, patients with heart failure and recent myocardial infarction

Valestran, manufactured by Chinese company Zheng Huai Pharmaceutics,

For its part, the Algerian Ministry of Health demanded that patients undergoing treatment containing Valcartan avoid taking any decision. not. Without reference to the attending physician.

Source: TSA + Pres

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