YouTube has over 1.9 billion active users per month


The YouTube platform highlighted its growth and promised better communication with its creators on its tests and experiments. Steven Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube, announced the latest series of updates on the platform, which focused on the five priorities of YouTube in 2018 The company has provided some updates related to what it had announced at the VidCon conference, including news about partnerships, but did not specify the steps critics it must go through to solve the content problems it still faces.

One of the ways to improve communication goes through Creator Insider, an informal channel set up by YouTube staff that provides weekly updates, addresses concerns and gives insights into launches of products. The channels of more than 100,000 subscribers will be launched for more creators in the coming months.

YouTube currently shares the Teespring platform, which receives a portion of merchandise sales revenue, while the YouTube platform has a small commission, and the company has not mentioned any of the other platforms who will join the program.

Famebet, which YouTube bought in 2016, is also working to bring creators of companies and brands together to sponsor content. YouTube says that more than half of the channels that work with Famebit have doubled their revenues in the last three months. The first of this year, with the upcoming launch of a new feature allows viewers on the platform to buy to buy products, applications and tickets from the content creator page .

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Today, the company is somewhat removed from the content problems, promising that it remains one of its priorities and that it has positive results. Allow those who abuse children to continue uploading videos to YouTube for their children, which means the site needs stricter policies regarding the prohibition and use of children in videos.

YouTube's participation today has highlighted other growth indicators, indicating that today it has 1.9 billion active users per month, that users watch an average of more than 180 million hours of YouTube a day and that public interactions Moreover, the number of conversations is over 60% of a year on the other and the number of videos broadcast live has increased by 10% in the last three years.

More than 60 million users click or interact with the posts in the Forum tab. In 2018, more than 600% of them responded via Twitter to their official accounts via the Twitter microblogging platform (@TeamYouTube, @YTCreators, YouTube) compared to 2017, and increased by 30% over the last year. last months.

The company has presented its plan to expand the stories to those with more than 10,000 subscribers and launch a new tool called "Copyright Match" to help content creators find their uploaded videos on YouTube through the Internet. others, New screen resolution features and new YouTube Studio control panel, which will be deployed in 76 languages ​​over the next two weeks.