Led Zeppelin is going to have a new hearing in the copyright case "Stairway To Heaven"


LED ZEPPELIN will benefit from a new hearing in the case of the author's right

According to the Associated Press, a federal court of appeal decided today (Monday, June 10) to give LED ZEPPELIN a new hearing to defend the favorable verdict of a jury in a lawsuit claiming the first lines of "Stairway to Heaven" had been plagiarized from the 1968 instrumental song "Taurus".

Last September, a federal court of appeal unanimously decided to quash a jury's decision LED ZEPPELINThe classic of 1971 was not a scam of MINDis the song.

Michael Skidmore, the trustee of "Taurus" songwriter Randy "California" Wolfesuccession of, had brought the claims more than four decades later "Stairway to Heaven" Appeared on LED ZEPPELINThe untitled album, better known as "Led Zeppelin IV".

In June 2016, a Los Angeles jury deliberated for about five hours before reaching a unanimous decision in favor of LED ZEPPELIN.

The verdict in the LED ZEPPELIN the case fell within 15 minutes of the jury's request to re-listen at once MINDof "Taurus" and "Stairway to Heaven". They wanted to hear a section of each song twice, alternating from one to the other. They decided that what they had heard was not similar enough to call the author 's copyright infringement.

Skidmore appealed, and in September, a panel of three judges of the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decided that a new trial was necessary because the judge presiding over the 2016 trial had given the jury erroneous instructions and damaging.

The court stated that the judge erred in telling the jury that common musical elements, such as "descending chromatic scales, arpeggios, or short three-note sequences," were not protected by the law. d & # 39; author. The court also stated that the jury should have been allowed to hear the recording of the album "Taurus".

"Without instructions for selection and arrangement, the jury's instructions seriously undermined Skidmore"Extrinsic similarity argument, which is exactly what the jury found to be missing," Circuit Judge wrote. Richard A. Paezfor the yard.

Immediately after the verdict of June 2016, LED ZEPPELINof jimmy Page and Robert Plant issued a statement in which he is happy to see the problem solved.

"We thank the jury for their conscientious service and we are pleased that it has spoken in our favor, asking questions about the origins of & # 39; Stairway to Heaven & # 39; and confirming what we know for 45 years, "they said. We appreciate the support of our fans and look forward to leaving this legal case behind us. "

Lawyer of the applicant Francis Malofiy later claimed that he had lost his case for technical reasons, insisting that it was unfair that the jury could not listen to the sound recording of "Taurus" and was limited to hearing an expert interpretation of the recorded score.

Malofiy received over a hundred sustained objections and "multiple reprimands" during the ZEPPELIN essay, with the group publishing house Warner / Chappell Music the filing of documents requesting the judge to order the plaintiffs to pay more than $ 613,000 in costs to defend against the lawsuit.

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