Left-wing media justify protesters harassing Kyrsten Sinema in public toilets


Left-wing media have seen fit to justify and even support protesters who followed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Arizona, into a public washroom to harass her.

On Sunday, left-wing activists clashed with Sinema in a classroom at Arizona State University in Phoenix and filmed and followed her into a public washroom. Although filming someone in a bathroom without their consent is illegal in Arizona, protesters have insisted on forcing Sinema to support President Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan, which progressives are pushing to include amnesty for. illegal immigrants.

President Biden called the actions “inappropriate.”

“I don’t think these are appropriate tactics, but they happen to everyone,” Biden said. “The only people this doesn’t happen to are the people who have the Secret Service around them.”

While many condemned these actions, liberal journalists and activists not only justified the behavior of the protesters but supported their actions.

MAUREEN DOWD, of NY TIMES, scoffed at SINEMA for obstructing the bill when BIDEN “REALLY NEEDS A VICTORY”

Liberal site Jezebel published an article titled “Absolutely Bully Kyrsten Sinema Outside His Bathroom Booth.” In the article, he called the scene an “effective and safe alternative” to implementing change.

“And despite all the bead hang-ups, few offer a more effective and safer alternative to what these activists did. They told Sinema, across the way – and through a door – that she was failing them and why. there was no violence, no bad language, nothing. Just a few voters following their representative in a large bathroom to voice their grievances. What should they have done instead? ”he wrote.

Daily Beast editor-in-chief Molly Jong-Fast dismissed criticism of the protesters. She shared Biden’s comments, Jong-Fast tweeted: “That’s a good answer that drives the good guys. Bathroomgate is a dumb fake scandal and the Tories claiming to care about Kyrsten Sinema are pretty hilarious.”

Intelligence also justified the meeting by accusing Sinema of avoiding his constituents.

“Even if you think the washrooms should be banned, it’s harder to argue that the protesters made a mistake stalking her on campus. Call it a learning experience for her. Pick a public office, then block off. progressive, transformative politics of your own party, and eventually people will get mad at you, ”Sarah Jones wrote.

Young Turks condemned Sinema and supported protesters in a segment featuring Rashad Richey and collaborator Caroline Johnson.

“Senator Kyrsten Sinema created this environment by refusing to connect or allow dialogue with those who knocked on doors to get her elected,” Richey said.

“I think the articulation of these activists and really, the bravery and courage that it takes is something that should be celebrated across the country,” Johnson continued.

Another Young Turks host, John Iadarola, also tweeted a justification from the protesters, writing: “Following someone in the bathroom is objectively less offensive than giving a big push while voting to keep them in the bathroom. poverty. “


Sinema has become the target of progressive outrage over his opposition to Biden’s $ 3.5 trillion spending plan. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, DW. Va., Faced a similar backlash after condemning the spending bill and preventing its passage.


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