Pay for the air? Brian Donohue, 12, challenges tire pumps at gas stations


Anyone who has ever encountered a lack of air on their car’s tires may have experienced the annoyance of some gas station air pumps.

Often times, these pumps are broken or require the user to look for change in order to operate them.

12’s news Brian Donohue says that last weekend on a trip from Washington, DC to New Jersey, he stopped at four different gas stations looking for air, only to find the pumps were broken.

Donohue says that in an era when New Jersey residents have to pay bank charges and additional fees at the airport, many have become oblivious to the additional costs. But he thinks the air should be free.

California and Connecticut both have laws that require gas stations to provide free air. Donohue says maybe it’s time for New Jersey to join the roster.

But luckily, there are some places in the Garden State that provide free air to guests – mainly Wawa and Quick Check.

Several people who have spoken to Donohue while pumping their tires say they often stop in Wawa or Quick Check to purchase items, in addition to using the open air. Donohue therefore says that it is a good business idea to provide this service.


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