LEGALIZATION OF THC OIL IN GEORGIA: Atlanta Metro Neurologist Pushed for Legalization of THC Oil for "Significant Benefits"


FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. – Metro neurologist Atlanta is doing everything in his power to legalize THC oil in Georgia.

"Many patients see significant benefits from substandard THC oil," said Dr. Scott Cooper. Channel 2 Tom Regan. "(It can help) everything from autism to seizures, Parkinson's syndrome, ADHD, PTSD and neurological and muscular pain."

Cooper said he strongly supported the passage of Bill 324, which would authorize the production, manufacture and sale of THC oil.

"It helps patients reduce the use of prescription pain medications, including opioids," Cooper said.


Cooper added that the other problem with the current law is the fact that many people get THC oil online, exposing them to contaminated and harmful products.

He said that he knew people who had become sick after taking what they thought was THC oil, but it was actually a contaminant. containing rat poison.

Why is Dr. Cooper so adamant about legalizing THC oil in Georgia and the next steps to make it a reality – on Channel 2 Action News from 4:00 pm?


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