Life on extraterrestrial worlds could be more diverse than on Earth


The Earth is the only place in the universe where we know that life exists. But with billions of other star systems, it may not be the best place for life. In a new study, astronomers modeled the life potential on other aqueous planets and discovered some conditions that could create oceans maximized in terms of habitability.

The model suggests that aquatic planets with dense atmospheres, continents and long days – planets in slow rotation – are the most conducive to life. These conditions stimulate ocean circulation, which brings nutrients from the depths to the surface where they are available for biological activity.

"[The research] shows us that conditions on some exoplanets with favorable ocean circulation patterns might be better suited to a life more abundant or more active than life on Earth, "said Stephanie Olson, a researcher at the University of Chicago who directs the new study, in a press release.

To date, more than 4,000 exoplanets have been confirmed and a handful of these worlds gravitate a sufficient distance from their host star to have liquid water on the surface. These living space planets are at the forefront of the quest for extraterrestrial life and the new research presented at the Goldschmidt conference in Barcelona, ​​Spain, on Friday will help astronomers refine their research.

Previous studies on the habitability of exoplanets have largely neglected the role played by oceans in regulating global climate and heat transport. The researchers focused on this niche, using a computer model to compare different combinations of climates and ocean habitats that may exist on exoplanets in the galaxy. The study aimed to look for things like upwelling, a type of ocean circulation driven by the wind.


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