4 million euros for co-financing Eur M is redistributed to the owners


  Judith Grigelight

Judith Grigelitz (V)

M decided to terminate the agreement on public services and part of the money for the restitution to other measures of the Lithuanian rural development program for the period 2014-2020 Giedrius Surplis, the Minister of Economic Affairs, said support As announced in the report M, it is planned to reallocate and cover the parts of the development plan, which are popular in the program of rural development of Lithuania for the period 2014 -2020, but are currently insufficient.

when he commissioned the Council to purchase services for contracting for the preparation and implementation of the Visual awareness campaign.

For the third year, more than 3 million were planned. Eur. Once the target level is reached, the RDPs should decrease by about 40%.

Ministry of Rural Development 2014-2020 for 9,955 million Eur., I Ministry for 2015-2018 issued 2,376 million. Eur. By decision of the Minister ems kio 4 million. Eur will be redistributed to the RDP measures and the rest will be distributed between 2018-2023. exhibition and exhibition.

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