Due to a technical fault, the flight to Bulgaria was delayed more than 10 hours


"On July 8, a plane failure was detected on one of the Airbus 320 aircraft on the Small Planet Airlines company, replacing the S5 3643 and S5 3644 Vilnius- Bourgas-Vilnius. "Small Planet Airlines apologizes to all pbadengers for the inconvenience," says the report.

Departure from Vilnius is scheduled for 5 pm, from Bourgas at 8 pm 15 minutes [19659003] As stated in the company's notice, all these pbadengers have reserved hotels and catering, as well as the opportunity to wait for a flight to rest in the hotels.When one of the aircraft detects a malfunction, the company will use a replacement aircraft based on Padeborne.The company has ordered a private plane with a rescue crew to reach Padeborn and will pilot the plane to Vilnius.

Other flights July 8 are scheduled according to the program. that the airline emphasizes its priority for aviation safety, and provides care to pbadengers in the event of flight delays.

The failure of Saturday was also delayed by Small Planet Airlines from the Mallorca Islands in the Mediterranean. Hikers flew to Vilnius for more than 3 hours.

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