Exports rose 2.7%, imports 8.6%


I met the exported goods at 2.32 billion euros, imported at 2.68 billion euros. Compared to last year, exports grew by 2.7% and imports by 8.6%.

These data are based on the provisional customs declarations, the Intrastat report and the VAT declarations published by the Lithuanian Department of Statistics. Exported to 1.4ml.Eur. Lithuania's foreign trade deficit amounted to 0.36 billion euros

. The Lithuanian Department of Statistics reports that the increase in exports has increased petroleum products (9%) (tonnage decreased by 5.8%), tobacco and tobacco substitutes%), export of various chemicals (50 %). The increase in imports of crude oil (72.2%) (the tonnage rose 21.6%), iron and steel imports (19.6%). Exports, excluding mineral products, rose 1.7%, imports 0.1%. Exports of goods of Lithuanian origin increased by 6.8%, excluding mineral products by 4.1%.

During the month (last month, compared to April), exports increased by 12% and imports by 14.7%. compared to 2017 Meanwhile, exports increased by 5.7% and imports by 7.4%.

Most were traded with Russia

in 2018. cookie mn Mostly, Lithuania exported Russia (13.6%), Latvia (9.7%), Poland (8, 3%) and Germany (7.5%), while imports from Russia (13.1%), Germany (12, 3%), Poland (11.4%) ) and Latvia (7.1%). The Lithuanian origin of the goods was mainly exported to Germany (9.5%), Poland (9.1%), the United States (8.4%), Latvia (7.4 %) and Latvia (7%).

Exports and imports of mineral products (13% and 20.7% respectively), main and mechanical equipment, electrical equipment (respectively 15.5 and 17.3%) and l 39; chemical industry and related industries (11.2% and 11.8%) The Lithuanian origin of the goods was mainly exported by petroleum products (18.2%), various industries (12.1%), the products food, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages and tobacco (9.3%), the chemical industry and allied industries (8.4%).

[infogram id=”83f97bee-402d-4765-a53e-86bd21d4a9e5″ prefix=”npX” format=”interactive” title=”Copy: Vadyba: Lietuvos eksportas 2008-2017 m.”]

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