Mastercard Card Holders – Problems | Business


15min found two buyers who, at different times, tried to pay MasterCard for goods at different times on Thursday, but without success. On Friday, she received notices that the money had been debited from their accounts.

Vilnėė Lina bought food in a capital shop on Thursday for 30 euros and tried to pay by MasterCard, but the payment terminal was still unable to accept payment. Then the seller offered to cash the terminal to clear the amount of money required and pay the products.

Yes, Lina did – the terminal ran smoothly and issued the required net amount. But the next day, after checking an electronic bank account, she was surprised – the statement indicated that the money had been scanned four times more. So, the same as Lina tried to pay by card.

"Instead of 30 euros, I paid 150 euros – both in the money reserved on the account," said Lina. After contacting the bank, the badistant discovered that the MasterCard holders had encountered problems and that the bank knew it. The spokeswoman for the bank promised that the money would be returned to Lina at this time Monday.

"What if it happened to a person who is the last money in the account?", Said Lina in a hypermarket. Customers have been informed that Swedbank cards can not be billed. "At that moment, I just tried to settle, but failed – rejected.Today, I have received notifications to withdraw money from my account.Although the amount is small but still bad, "said Rasa.

MasterCard confirmed that cardholders had been disturbed in some markets. But Thursday night, the problems have already been solved. "We know that there were problems with the processing operations somewhere, but now the problem has already been solved," said the MasterCard spokesman at the Wall Street Journal

. Buyers started writing tweets so they could not pay for those cards. MasterCard did not reveal what caused the interruption.

We remind you that Visa cardholders in Europe have not been able to settle on July 1, the company later explained that this was due to technical problems.
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