Morrisons UK Stores – Special "Hours of Silence" for Autistic Buyers


Published: 20/20/2012

Updated on July 21, 2018
1:57 p.m.


Morrison Store in London. Photo by Reuters / Scanpix.

Morrisons, the marketing network of the United Kingdom, has introduced special "hours of silence" for clients with autism

These "hours of silence," during which 493 Morrisons stores will close the music and darken lighting, will be applied on Saturday.

In these special hours, even those who care about cash registers will not be beaten and no message will be heard from the speakers.

This action is carried out by Morrisons in partnership with the British National Autistic Society. The initiative has already been tested this year in several network supermarkets.

"In the United Kingdom, 700,000 people suffer from autism, they see the world, hear and feel differently healthy, often more intense people, so shopping can be a worrying experience for them", explains Tomas Purser, spokesperson for the National Autistic Society

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