Žilvinas Šilėnas. Pillows: tax your car, ban the oldest, increase the excise duties on diesel


Kurgi no. And, despite the summer heat, the Ministry of the Environment has prepared an "Air Pollution Reduction Plan". It also has a tax on cars, and increases excise duties on diesel, and a ban on the registration of middle-aged cars. How is it here? The Ministry of the Environment is not part of the government? That is what the government has prepared for you, which, as you have said yourself, does not really intend to charge your car.

First, the taxation of pbadenger cars by level of pollution. The precise formula or principle is not specified. And that means the government can decide to tax both cars with more powerful engines and older cars.

But there is no new tax. Already, people are paying excise taxes. By the way, you pay not only the excise and VAT, but also the VAT, which is subject to excise. The tax you charge! So, if you spend 10 euros on gas, you add it for 4 euros. 6 euros (5 euros for excise duty, 1 euro for VAT) goes for taxes. It takes about 2.50 euros to operate, repair and maintain the roads. Meanwhile, half of the excise duty already works as a pollution tax. For whom to introduce a new one?

Specifically, the current system is much more precise. That burns more fuel, pollutes more and more, more and more. If a tax on vehicles is introduced, for example, from the volume of the engine, it would not charge the actual pollution, but the potential pollution. You should pay for a car standing in the garage. If you have a larger family and drive a seven-seater minivan with a 2.5-liter engine, it's possible that your Chrysler Voyager will recognize a "powerful" car and impute it.

Second, your old used car will be taxed The new Tesla or Hybrid Escalade will pay a fifth of the cost of a car from its taxpayer pockets. It turns out that if you do not have the money and buy an old car, you will be charged extra fees. If you buy a new hybrid Cadillac Escalade for about 80,000 euros, you will receive about 20,000 euros worth of gifts. And all this is offered by the government, which, for every occasion, retracts on social inequality! In what way, by imposing non-monetary taxes and sharing gifts for the purchase of escalations, social inequality is reduced?

Third, maybe your old car will be banned from entering the city center. The plan provides that metropolitan municipalities that will ban the entry of diesel cars, for example downtown, will receive money from the central government. By the way, I suppose that if such a prohibition is introduced, it will certainly be invalid for public transit and officials of government officials.

Fourth, the authorities plan to increase the excise tax on diesel. Why? Because, in the opinion of the authorities, the excise tax in Lithuania is too low. I quoted the document: "… the excise duty on fuels, gasoline and diesel is one of the lowest in the EU ". Well, looking at the euro – yes. But, since the excise tax is intended to raise the price of the product, the excise tax should be compared to the income. If we compare the excise tax with income, fuel availability in Lithuania is already one of the lowest in the EU. The fuel is already expensive . But the government plans to become even more cherished.

Well, and fifthly, the authorities envisaged "to limit the registration of Euro 4 and reduced-emission vehicles for the first time in Lithuania". The Euro 4 standard has been in place since 2005. If we make a rough badumption that cars manufactured before 2005 are below the Euro 4 standard, they will not register it in Lithuania if you bought a car from Germany. Used in Germany in 2004. The average pbadenger car in Lithuania is 15 years old. So, if you are a Lithuanian statistician, the purchase of a used second-hand car may be that it will not be allowed to register in Lithuania.

I have not forgotten. The plan provides that for more than 30,000 euros, the government will purchase an advertising campaign that will explain to drivers how to drive ecologically. And for 20 thousand – how to use less solvent at home.

Do you drink? Do not like it This is not very interesting for the government. The plan is composed of 143 pages, and the summer is presented to the public for opinion.

Apparently, public opinion is only of interest to the authorities when public opinion coincides with it. And if the public opinion does not match the government – the worst is the public. Clearly, the government believes that the purpose of society is to glorify power, not to ask embarrbading questions, or to question decisions.

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