A. Bubin and V. Milius will set a new record – 1006 km will drive an electric vehicle


It has already become a tradition that A. Bubin and V. Milius capture a record or another extraordinary achievement in the biggest motorsport event in Lithuania, "Aurum Race 1006 km". Every year, each of them or someone can surprise the public: for example, in 2012, V. Milius traveled 308 km up to the Palanga racing track and set the record of Factum in 2016. the two travelers sought a powerful Ford Mustang fuel record and found 8.8 l / 100 km of gasoline. On the fate of the Palanga Bridge on Saturday, A. Bubinas and V. Milius hoped to appear on the Aurum tracks during 1006 kilometers.

"Electromobiles arrive in our world – it's not even the future, but the present." However, it is often badumed that an electric vehicle can only be used in a city, and that it is not practical for the highway. 2 or 3 years ago, it was the case: then the infrastructure was undeveloped, the number of fast stops approaching zero. Today, the infrastructure is much wider and we want to show that using it wisely can drive the whole country, "said the travel idea author, publisher from the magazine "Auto Bild Lietuva" V. Milius

The electrical terminals are located on the main Lithuanian motorways.Most of them are on the Vilnius-Klaipėda motorway, however, they are located on Other roads at a reasonable distance.The network is constantly expanding: for example, the road engineering company Gatas has installed 4 new fast charging stations in Lithuania in June-July: A5 to Kaunas-Marijampolė- Suvalkai (65.82 km), A16 Vilnius-Prienai-Marijampolė (54.6 A14 Vilnius-Utena (46.2 km) and A6 Kaunas-Zarasai-Daugavpils (42.2 km)

route was combined by the stations

A crew member, A. Bubin, was responsible for making itinerary exact area and the electric car. The road must be connected to the network of the high-speed charging station

"The principles of the route were two: the total length must be at least 1006 kilometers and the fast charging stations are well located, it would be easy to travel a thousand kilometers to Klaipėda-Vilnius and back, but not so interesting.Our trip will run in a small way by the perimeter of Lithuania ", – A. Bubinas told the route before departure.

At 16:00 on the Palanga bridge, the travelers headed for Klaipėda – the batteries added to the speedometer, the pbadengers turned to Šiauliai. After that, they will go to Panevėžys near Kuren station (Ukmergė district). From there – to Utena, Vievis and Druskininkai. The crew of the Kia Soul EV station will head to Alytus, from there – via Baltica to Kaunas and from the highway to Palanga.

Travelers must travel around the road in about 24 hours. A single-lift electric vehicle can travel about 150 kilometers and when connected to a fast charging station, its batteries are charged in 40 to 50 minutes. Therefore, the crew does not worry about fatigue – stopping the batteries will allow you to rest.

"24 hours without sleeping for one of us would not be new, and we will even have some breaks to eat and soak. We will not travel as fast as the electric vehicle uses most efficiently [80-90 km / h]. speed, so we get tired less. "It's more important to maintain the same speed, drive economically, and not waste your electric car unnecessarily," said A. Bubin

The electric car will be not only two experienced travelers, but also a photographer and guest of honor. # 39; India. Pratap Every year he comes to work in Lithuania and participates at the same time in the event, for example in 2017. He and his wife and V. Milius participated in the "Press Rally"

Electric Vehicle convenient to travel

Kia Soul EV is one of the oldest electric vehicles sold in Lithuania, but despite the rapid progression of these vehicles, these days have remained one of the most practical. This model is the first in 2015. The winner of the organized contest of electric cars "Take the Energy Supply": Vilnius-Palanga, and in 2018, ranked fifth among the 16 participants, although the theoretical mileage is one of the lower.

The advantage of this electric vehicle is a ventilated battery. For longer periods, with higher speeds or with frequent use of a fast charge, most electric vehicle batteries become heavily heated and then begin to limit the charging capacity. It may take half an hour to complete the battery life for half an hour. Kia's electric car is one of those that does not have this problem – their batteries, like Tesla and several other manufacturers, are cooled and uncooled.

This is one of the main reasons why A. Bubin and V. Milius chose to record the disc. This electric vehicle.

"When a charge lasts half an hour and the other is an hour and a half and can not be scheduled in advance, it is difficult to predict the entire duration of the trip. , the priority is a precise planning and the ability to follow this plan, so that we have a clear route and an approximate end time.We hope to mark the first cartel – how long in Estonia can we exceed a thousand kilometers – and we will wait until someone improves this time, so that we can bounce back again ", – says V. Milius, smiling.

It should not wait long – electromotive technology is improving rapidly, and the infrastructure is growing at an appropriate pace. This is perfectly illustrated by the results of the aforementioned electric cars: 2015. Kia Soul EV on Vilnius-Palanga took 5 hours to win. 27 minutes and 2018 the same car lasted 4 hours 35 min

An electric car in Lithuania, 1006 kilometers to Palanga, is expected to return Saturday afternoon. This is the first attempt to cross the 1000 kilometer limit in an electric vehicle in Lithuania.

An electric vehicle trip can be seen with the Ruptela TrustTrack real-time tracking system. Link to the system: https://track2.ruptela.com/#/login. Username: EV0820, pbadword: 9592EV0820

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