A Danske Bank study could reveal links with North Korea and Iran


In addition, a study conducted by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) of Denmark will examine reports that arms brokering between North Korea and Iran has been funded by money laundered in DBE in 2009, defensenews.com writes. 19659002] A preliminary study by the Danish and Estonian supervisory authorities suggests that more than $ 7 billion could have been lost by DBE over a period of 10 years. The Danske Bank management is responsible for what is being investigated in Estonia, "said Lars Rohde, governor of the Nationalbank, Denmark's central bank.

US authorities could also be involved in this investigation if it turned out that the money spent on DBE was being used for weapons transactions or for criminal organizations that are involved in them. used to finance terrorism in Europe, North America or the Middle East. "Financial Sanctions Against the United States," notes L. Rohde

Thomas Borgen, managing director of Danske Bank, is increasingly eager to explain how DBE could become a "booth" for money laundering. money to transfer Russian public funds abroad, so that Russian criminal organizations can finance arms markets.

Th. Borgen led Danske Bank's international operations in 2009-2012. He was responsible for overseeing the Bank's activities in the Baltic States, including Estonia.

The Danish authorities are investigating the use of the money spent on the DBE. One of the cases studied concerns the transport of aircraft transported in 2009 between North Korea and Iran with 35 tons of missiles, grenades and other weapons.

Danish investigators suspect that this transaction was funded by officials of the Russian state.

The Danish Financial Research Authority is badisted by an American businessman, William Browder, who founded and manages Hermitage Capital Management. Since 1990, this investment fund and this financial management company specialize in the field of Russian markets.

W. Browder, who helped punish the United States, called the Magnick Act, Danske Bank intends to bring criminal action.

"We must thoroughly investigate the remnants of Russia, on how it was washed in Estonia" [W. Browder a dit]

Danske Bank's criminal case W. Browder intends to raise with the prosecutor Danish General for Special Economic and International Crimes (PPS – EIE).

The Danish government, fully aware that Danske Bank's money-laundering scandal could undermine the country's international image, confirms its support for a comprehensive and transparent investigation.

"We know that money laundering is a financial business such as a bank, can have very serious negative consequences for the Danish public, and we closely monitor ongoing investigations and, in particular, In the case of Danske Bank, we are cooperating with government authorities and international organizations, "said Morten Niels Jacobsen, EIF attorney general, at the SPP.

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