A life line is being developed to hit the passengers of the airline


The Lithuanian company announces an attempt to petition against European air transport periodicals and the consequences of military protests against pbadengers.

Marius Stonkus, pilot of the Skycop Compensation Company, said in a report that there was insufficient data available. Kenia over 1.5 million A pbadenger who experiences problems will not be compensated.

6 billion. Eur

If we consider the exercise price of the pbadengers, that is to say Whatever the amount of money that the travelers have known, it should have been morally alive and went on a $ 6 billion strike. Eur., Quoted in the report p. Stoncus

The report states that the Danish strikes pose a major threat to European air traffic in April. In the CODA report, the largest fleet of pirates of the air arrives at a fraction

Despite the billing of airlines and the consolidation of global air transport, 2017, picked up high-speed pbadenger traffic record . According to the ACI Europe airport badociation, pbadenger flows in 2017 L & # 39; Europe grew by 8.5%, the fastest growth since 2004. We expect the flow to increase further more, but Skycop notices that the aviation market is not even ready for it.

Strike series

Airlines and airport employees began the strike from summer to year. The biggest concern is French and Italian airspace. Air France employees until the end of May There were already 14 strikes. This dropped the shares of Air France by 9.7%, which caused the airline to lose more than 300 million euros for its operation.

Three strike actions were held in Italy between February and May: the union, aviation, air traffic control and antecedent service are fighting for better working conditions at the airport, theft from the airline.

The main reason for the strike on the job market is that they missed the job and paid for it. In addition to Italy and France, during the first half, pbadengers are also exposed to launch vehicles, such as Vueling and Ryanair, at the initiative of the trade union Verdi, at Frankfurt airports, Munich, Cologne and Br …

Skycop announces start-ups changing the right of the pbadenger in case of strike without respecting the European regulations in force. This is done on the international platform for the Avaz Assembly of Europeans in the dark.

After collecting the required number of days, the company will submit a petition to the institutions of the European Union, which should examine EC regulations no.

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