A new factory was born in Alytus | KaunoDiena.lt


Glbad LT, manufacturer of glbad packages, announces the completion of the construction of a new factory

The total investment in the project amounts to 9.2 million . euro New factory building occupying 9000 square meters m area, construction received 4 mln. euro The remaining amount will be invested in new generation equipment and information and management systems.

Part of the funds (2.1 million) for the project of the EU Structural Funds under the measure "Regio Invest LT +" is written in a press release.

"We started the modernization project of production three years ago." Giedrius Jackūnas, general manager of the company, said that the entry into force of the directive of the EU on the energy performance of new Clbad A buildings is increasing rapidly, according to the director of the company .. demand for two-camera packages.Their production is more complicated, twice the amount of materials and working time

In addition, in Lithuania, the glbad pack market is experiencing a rebirth: 5-10% growth each year, last year our country produced 1.95 mln. In the next 5 years, it is likely that the production of glbad packets in Lithuania will reach 15%, producing about 2.2 million liters of electricity.

"The market is very competitive. Competitive price, although raw materials and personnel costs increase. Volatility and uncertainty in the Scandinavian construction sector should lead to this export market. In order to remain market leaders, we must make production more efficient ", – notes G. Jackūnas.

A new factory building at Alytus is only part of the project put implemented by the company Two new glbad package production lines will be available here and installed here, combining modern sorting equipment to speed up production processes, minimize manual labor and ensure better product quality

The new plant should be greener: it includes advanced heating solutions and energy-efficient lighting systems.Special attention is given to the safety and health of workers, improving the conditions working, the installation of ergonomic workstations: height-adjustable work tables, ergonomic chairs

It is estimated that the modernization of production will increase by 50% more than a quarter.By the development of the company, 32 jobs will be created (some of the specialists are already working) and the total number of employees will be 132.

The new plant is expected to to be fully operational in the autumn.

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