Acquire the phone in the online store and regretted: few people know that


Yes, says computer expert Džiugas Paršonis. "Sometimes, some companies may even deliberately apply some of the market-specific products for a slightly lower level of control," says the speaker. According to him, such goods can also come to Lithuania. contacted the reader Jorigis, who told the after-sales service that he would not be able to buy mobile devices that are not mobile phone providers. phone, more specifically get the mobile phone, bought "", broke the act. However, it was said that he might not be able to issue it because vendors such as often buy cheaper third phones. This is one of the reasons why some phones overwhelm so fast. Thus, the service m & # 39; indicated that the phones purchased from mobile phone resellers are of better quality.

Thus, if the purchased device is intended for third parties, the warranty service refuses to provide a false product, except to repair the product. I think few people know it, but they really should, "writes Jorigis.

Third-party installations are available in Lithuania

When looking for the cheapest solutions, some sellers Yes, says it's not going to introduce an expert in mobile devices. "According to him, it can be mobile devices that are written off in phone outlets long outstanding balances, poorly seen in the financial statements, such devices can be sold at low prices and appear on the Lithuanian markets, but foreign suppliers pay little attention to their storage and storage conditions. they may be of inferior quality.

D.Paršonis, in turn, says that Lithuania may also have access to equipment intended for third countries whose quality requirements may be lower [19659002] Gray Imports) when the goods are not obtained from a direct distributor from whom it is customary to buy products from one or the other manufacturer in Europe or elsewhere . Every supplier is looking for the maximum benefits, and that only depends on their own internal standards on the quality of their products.

Non-technological products are also a source of concern in Lithuania. For example, some manufacturers or sellers on European coffee markets, as they say, buy "sawdust" – poor quality coffee or even waste. He also comes with a lot of articles. Both with their materials and with the same products, "says D. Porshony

According to him, some manufacturers, such as the American Apple, are very strict in their technology, distribution channels, so if the product is original, Even if it is imported in the form of gray imports, it will be completely identical.

"However, some producers consider their quality control to be a little more negligent, especially the least known companies, and sometimes some companies may even deliberately apply a little less control over a particular product on the market. [19659002] Some companies export to Africa or Central Asian countries, where the price is the most important, the functionality is not so important., But in Europe, the quality requirements for the products distributed in the United States are higher.And these products can definitely end up on the Lithuanian market, and a non-specialist consumer can be distinguished, that it is a product intended for third or not, "commented D. Parsonis

According to D. Parsonis, although people are looking for how they can To buy a cheaper product, the safest way is to buy a discount aupr from the official importer, possibly as a result of various stocks. Another way to find a cheaper place, according to the interviewer, is to buy equipment from official distributors in neighboring countries. "Let's say the Polish market is bigger, so one or the other device may cost less," he says.

Trusted sellers only sell phones destined for the EU market

"For 11 years now, we only work with verified suppliers of electronic and other products that provide that the products sold by are marketed in the EU market.We are legally responsible for every item sold, so we carefully select the suppliers and ensure that the products meet the requirements of the market.

Certainly We have received several requests from buyers and goods receipts from other European suppliers.However, such cases are extremely rare, taking into account only the needs of customers and the customer. 39, buyer himself is informed in advance.Of the 900 models of active phones currently available in the range, these outstanding products can be up to five ", – G. Vilkė.

"We receive large quantities of goods and unfortunately we can not physically check them for the goods to reach the buyer intact in the parcel, completely new up to now, we have encountered a only case where we have detected a fake phone in the vendor's cargo ship.There are such unpredictable cases on the market, but we and other official sellers are fighting to avoid that. losses will first be returned to the buyer and then separately explained to the supplier.

Therefore, spreading the language that e-shops distribute poor quality products is a real mistake. Such languages ​​occur, but with all the arguments and evidence, we take responsibility and deal with the current situation.In case of suspicion, we always encourage the buyer to contact us first – the colleagues will find the reason for the problem and propose its solution ", – G. Vilkė.

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