Amazon quadruple profit 12 times | Business


Revenues increased by 39%. up to 52.9 billion Amazon has become one of the largest companies in the world, and its leader and founder Jeff Bezos has already won the title of the richest man in the world.

During the early years of its operation, Amazon received low profits or did not quite receive it, but recently significantly increased its profitability.

Recent figures show that operating profit in North America rose to 1.8 billion. USD, while in the international segment, it reached 494 million. At the end of Thursday's trading session, Amazon's capitalization rose to about $ 877 billion. Dollars Similar capitalization was achieved by Google's parent company, Alphabet, but run by Apple, with a market value of $ 955 billion.

E-Marketer estimates that Amazon's electronic sales will increase by more than 28% this year. up to 394 billion US dollars and will make 49% US e-commerce business turnover and nearly 5% retail business figure from across the country.

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