Arvydas Avulis reveals why new housing prices in Vilnius are on the rise


Real estate companies think the opposite is true when the Bank of Lithuania reports that more and more loans are being bought for housing. In the first half of this year, even a fifth less new apartments were sold than last year. "Statistically, if we compare the first half of this year and last year, there is some cooling in the market, because about 18% of sales were sold in the first half of this year. less housing than during the same period last year, for example, in Riga, there is exactly the opposite of Vilnius.In Riga, the population decreases and Riga is a larger city, but it sells If the number of residents in Lithuania or Vilnius began to decrease, this would also lead to a similar trend, but today we do not have the most up-to-date data on the number of people living in Vilnius. number of residents of Vilnius ", – A. Avulis explained the influence of demographic processes on the housing market.

A. Avulis disagrees with the idea that the housing market is decreasing in Vilnius because the new construct They are asking for prices that are too high.

"If we compare Lithuanian housing prices in Helsinki or Stockholm, prices are two or three times lower. Yes, housing prices are high, but they are high for two reasons. The first thing is that if the builders do not get big salaries, they can not earn a lot of money, they can go to Helsinki or Stockholm for two or two hours, or three times more, in one hour. Therefore, we do not want to increase the salaries of employees here in Lithuania. Another thing is that the requirements for housing are constantly imposed in Lithuania ", – explained A. Avulis.

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